What Do You Know About Alcohol/Other Drugs? And . . . A Plan For Change
This Correspondence Course is Certified by the State of Alaska and is designed to:
- Help the client understand the effects of alcohol and other drugs on driving and social behaviors, as well as health and legal consequences.
- Equip the client for making any desired life changes based on what they have learned.
This 12 hour course includes a pre-test, twelve lessons, and a final test.
Each lesson is divided into three parts:
- A reading assignment from provided workbooks.
- A worksheet reviewing the information covered.
- Interactive Journaling® exercise developed by The Change Companies® and the State of Alaska to help the client personalize the material.
Shipping Options Include:
- OPTION 1: USA Priority: $15
- OPTION 2: USA Express: $35
- OPTION 3: INTERNATIONAL - Call for pricing